Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Some Directions For Sunday At Our New Location

I'd like to give you a little help that will make things a little smoother for your arrival at our new location in Cicero for Sunday Services. I'd like to ask that you park in the parking lot at the rear of the Church and enter on the west side (Pearl Street entrance). There is ample parking there, but be mindful if you are one of the first ones there, that there is an alley immediately behind the Church and we should not block that in the event emergency vehicles would need to pass through there. There is parking all along the west side near the doors, but I'd like to ask if you could reserve those spots for our elderly and those who have difficulty walking any sort of distance. I'm thinking of Jay Hiatt, Betty VanWinkle, Mary Gunn, and others in that catagory. You may also park in front of the church on Jackson Street and you can enter from the front, but bulletins and greeters will be at the west entrance. I will hold our adult Sunday School Class in the Sanctuary and we will dismiss a bit early as people begin to arrive. I realize that this first Sunday will be a time of learning for all of us and a time of getting adjusted, but I'm sure if we all work together, it will be a wonderful time of gathering for Worship. If you know of someone who has not heard about our new location, please give them a call. Remember there are some who do not have computers and are unaware of all that has been happening this past week. I'd appreciate you spreading the word. And - if you know someone up in that area that does not have a Church - why not invite them to come and worship with us!!

Mike Haemmerle tells me that a friend of his is going to provide a new sound system for our use in the new facility while we are there and we will still be able to record our services!!! I'm just amazed over the outpouring of so many people to our Church family. This will all work and I look so forward to gathering on Sunday!

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