Monday, August 30, 2010


I just wanted to inform all of you that the Structural Engineer examined the Church today and found that it can be "beefed up" with additional support in the attic to save our lovely building! That means that the roof DOES NOT have to come off! He will do a report and give the necessary requirements to accomplish this, then the Trustees will need to get bids for the work to begin! Since we are out of the building, it has been decided that the walls need to be re-done and the ceiling restored, so this is an excellent time to refurbish our Sanctuary and bring it up to date so it will hopefully last another 140 years!! This process may take some time, but we are thankful that the roof can be saved in turn saving us a lot of money! I'm sure it will be expensive to hire the re-structuring in the attic done, but shouldn't be as costly as removing the whole roof and starting from scratch. I'm thankful for the Bible Study group coming to help pack up hymnals and clear out the back room behind the pulpit area. I was told today that my office could remain in tact and it would be sealed off during construction so dust will not enter that part of the church! I'm thankful for that as I was going to have the Bible Study Group pack up all of my books!! Since the roof is not coming off, that won't need to be done. We just praise the Lord for this good news!

In spite of all of this, we are looking forward to Worshipping in Cicero and pray that all of you will come and help us hold our church family together during this time. Who knows - we might draw some new people to our Church being in town!! There is a reason for all of this and in the end, the Lord will reveal His purposes to us.

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