Monday, July 26, 2010

Thank you

As you all know my little sisters spent last week with me. I had the pleasure of bringing them to church last Sunday. Thank you all for the love and kindness you shared with them. They have shared with my family that one of the highlights of the past week was visiting my church. You all make me so proud to call Hinkle Creek Friends my church and you all my family of God. I also wanted to share that during the amazing week we recieved some details about our life that was a surprise and confusing at the same time. We have found out that we have an older brother that is about 2yrs older then me. And that our grandmother that we were told had passed was actually still alive in a nursey care home with Alzehimers. My sisters and I had the pleasure of locating our grandmother and visiting her. She didn't know us but we know in our hearts that it was a visit of love. I post this blog to ask for prayer as we continue this journey of healing and searching for our loved ones. Your prayer will give us strength to walk and find what the Lord wants us to find and to know what he desires for us to know.

With Love, Heather, Lizzy and Leah

1 comment:

Kelly Haemmerle said...

Your sisters are so adorable!