Thursday, October 27, 2011


Just an update on Paulette. She got up at 5:00 this morning with her eye completely swollen shut, large, red, and in lots of pain. So, we headed down to St. Vincent on 86th Street to the Emergency Room. After several hours of tests and examinations, they discovered that she has Orbital Cellulitis. It is an aggressive serious bacterial infection behind the eye and some in the front. They admitted her and will keep her there for a few days to get this under control. The doctor said they needed to treat it quickly and aggressively or it could cause her to lose her sight in that eye and could possible spread to her brain. They told us we got her there just in time for treatment. We had four different specialists in the room all saying the same thing and telling us how serious this is. When she does get to come home, she will have a port in her arm and have to be on an antibiotic IV for a week after she comes home. She was very nauseated this evening and still in quite a bit of pain. We would appreciate your prayers for her. This was quite a shock to start out our day and had no idea she would end up in the hospital!! I'll keep you updated as I know more.

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