Friday, November 11, 2011

Spiritual Food

We all know that food is vital;
To make our bodies grow,
But, it's the manna sent down
From heaven, that nourishes our soul.
Once we've eaten from God's table;
Our food won't pass the test,
Because the food we eat in "Jesus Name,"
Surpasses, all the rest.
After we've eaten His spiritual food;
Our souls will get their fill,
Then we'll have everything we need,
To do our Father's will.
So my friends, when you get hungry;
Eat God's manna from above,
His spiritual food is richly blessed,
And topped with perfect love.

John Chap.6-verse 35:

And, Jesus said unto them, "I am the bread of life:
He that cometh to me, shall never hunger;
And, he that believeth on me shall never thirst."

May God Bless you all: Vickie Lambdin copyright 2001

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