Monday, April 11, 2011

Our first Sunday back!

Yesterday was amazing! I was so excited that I didn't even take a single picture! The weather was beautiful and it just felt so good to be back home on Hinkle Road. I noticed that when the wind blew through the sanctuary, the tiny bell on the little chapel on the clerks table was swinging back and forth.
What a relief to finally be back where we want to be. It was a major project and it was all so worth it. It has felt that all along that God was with us and guiding us. We did our best to work hard and work together and we did it. Working on the meeting house and restoring the building felt like a calling. I want to say thank you to all of the Trustees for all of their hard work and especially to Denny Griffith for all that he has donated to this project, time and materials. And thank you to everyone who brought food! The lunches were great every Saturday! I will miss them. I just keep thinking about Sunday and how it went. I know Bob and Paulette had to be exhausted, relieved and excited all rolled into one. Thanks to both of them for their leadership through this time. Their experience and patience really helped see us through. God is faithful! Yes he is! How many times can I say how fortunate I feel to be a part of Hinkle? Not enough, I guess. Seeing such a big project through like we have is certainly a wonderful experience for all of us. Working together like we have is truly a testimony to our commitment to the church, to God, and to one another. It shows the appreciation we have for each other and for those that came before and those that will follow. Sunday was wonderful. There is still a lot of work to do up there, but we made it back home and that is where we want to be, where our hearts our. It's a special place. It just is. It means a lot to a lot of people. Homecoming this year is really going to be a great celebration! I just hope I can remember to take pictures!

1 comment:

Bob said...

AMEN!!!! Being up front viewing the faces of the congregation, I could see eyes wandering taking in all of the sights of our reburbished Sanctuary. I can tell you they were looks of approval! What a great day for us all! A huge thanks to everyone who did their part whether physically, prayerfully, and financially! We were truly in one accord!!!