Tuesday, June 21, 2011

toll house pie

I baked a toll house pie yesterday and it is quite delicious and very rich. (cut pieces small) I am just writing to tell you to follow the directions very closely. I did not allow it to thaw the full 30 minutes and it did not firm up all the way because of that. So, be sure to do that. Also, put in on the lower rack of the oven because my pie top got a little scorched. Or maybe lay foil over the top for the first half of baking? I was attempting to bake it in a toaster oven which may have been part of the problem. And, also it has to cool for three hours, which seems like forever! When it comes out of the oven it is very liquid-y still so be very careful. It's a delicious pie but it needs a little bit of common sense to bake properly. So mine was burnt on the top, raw in the middle but still delicios! It's very similar to baking a pecan pie. I am sure you are all way more savvy than I when it comes to baking and would not have any of these things happen to you....but, just in case! My friend Kelly who ordered the berry pie said it was perfectly delicious! My peach and apple pies were wonderful too! The peach being the stand out so far. Any other pie reviews out there? I already have people asking me about fall pies. Thank you Trish & Marianne and everyone else who participated in this great fundraiser! Oh, and thanks to Dan! Dan's Pies really are the best! Everything I heard about them is true! What a talent! The kids still talk about his mac and cheese from camp. I wonder if he has ever considered freezing and selling his mac& cheese?

1 comment:

Kelly Haemmerle said...

Okay! I just had the cherry pie and it was wonderful. Oh my! The calories! I've tried peach, apple, cherry and toll house....ALL since Saturday! I REALLY need to stop! AND I had ice cream with ALL of them! really?