Thursday, December 16, 2010

Standing, not sitting

This is something I wrote and posted on Facebook, and I felt like it should also go on here.

What is the church doing? Have we become lukewarm?? How many times have we sugar coated the truth because we don't wanna offend the little gay guy in the back row, or we don't want to chase the alcoholic away??? How are we fulfilling the Great Commission if we let the wicked trample the truth and tuck it away? Are we to let life run its course and let people fall to their doom, or are we going to be a Daniel? Christ offended people, but He saved just as many in the process. We live in the ''land of the free and the home of the brave'' for now....we lose our rights when we don't exercise them. We are shut up when we do shut up....think about that. What will YOU do?

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