Sunday, December 8, 2013

Just a Test

Just seeing if this blog still works.  Different ones from the congregation might want to post on it again.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Oaky, we've had 2,360 posts and the first post was in May 2009

Hello Hinkle Creekers!

We have successfully moved our blog to a new site. It is

Please send me an e-mail at

and I will send you an invite so you may contribute to the discussion.

We are still working on trying to make it fit our needs, so please be patient and we would love to hear your feedback.

This blog has been pretty amazing. It's lasted several years. (Three I think) and had over 3,000 posts. The good new is we were able to transfer the entire contents of this blog onto the new site which is awesome. It might take some getting used to but in the long run it's a great choice for us because it combines our blog and our website. And it has many more features that once I figure out how to impliment them will be awesome tools for communication and expression. I guess the internet is part of the mission field we are to enter boldy and lovingly for Christ, and that is my prayer. I want to thank Rob Floyd for helping us make this much needed step up into the big leagues. Without him I would still be lost in my quandry of how to navigate this new territory. Rob is a graphic designer who designse websites . He graciously offered to help Hinkle Creek at no charge. I may send some invites out to folks who I think may like to post even if I don't get a request from you. I know there has been some confusion on how to post on this blog, so my hope is that the new site will be easier to use and we will have more people contributing.

Thank you for your patience!
Kelly H.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The Pastors Wife
She stands among the shadows with a smile upon her face,
And quietly encourages with love, and strength and grace.

She always offers solace, and holds tightly to his hand,
And when he feels inadequate, he knows she'll understand.

She's ready with a listening ear for what he has to say,
But things she hears in confidence she never will betray.

Their time alone is limited because he has to be
Available to all the flock who need his ministry.

Yet still she's there when like a child he clings to her embrace,
And draws upon her comfort for the trials he must face.

She is the unsung heroine who helps his load to bear,
And lifts him up consistently with tender, loving care.

The world applauds a Pastor who can help to change a life,
But half the credit for success belongs to his dear Wife.
Betty Jo Mings

Winona Terry

Jack Terry's wife Winona went peacefully home to the Lord this morning. Paulette and I have such fond memories of her and her loving and sweet spirit. She spoke to us at Hinkle along with Jack before becoming ill and we all enjoyed what she had to share about their work in the mission field. Please keep Jack and his family in your prayers today as they go through this.

Friday, August 17, 2012

 "Christ has no body on earth but ours, no hands but ours, no feet but ours. Ours are the eyes through which the compassion of Christ looks out upon the world, ours are the feet with which he goes about doing good, ours are the hands with which he blesses his people."

St. Teresa of Avila

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Attention All you prayer warriors out there! Let's continue our prayers for Bob and Paulette's health. fervent, steadfast, spirit filled prayer....Let's make this our priority. Let's claim God's promises. Pray & Believe!

Website down!

Just an fyi for you! Our website is down. We are working on our new website and are hoping to have it up and running very soon. The good news is that it is a website/blog combined. So we will have one address instead of two. I think we will also link the website to our facebook page which is actually pretty active. If you have any questions or suggestions please let me know.
Thank you,

Monday, August 13, 2012

God is Good!

What a wonderful service we had last evening! It's not too late to come to the School of Prayer. You will receive something even if you can come to one night of the sessions. To witness the Hand of God moving among our people at Hinkle was just awesome! Truly an answer to many months of praying and preparing. It will be held at 6:30 tonight, tomorrow night, and Wednesday night. What a historic time for Hinkle as we stand on a threshold of a new beginning as a Church body. I would love to see our whole congregation come to these sessions! I believe this is the beginning of a REAL revival in our community if we will all continue in the Spirit that was with us last evening. Please spread the great news of what is happening at Hinkle!

Friday, August 10, 2012


First of all, this Sunday will be a bit different. We will NOT be having the adult Sunday School class in the Sanctuary and will eliminate the normal announcements, birthdays, anniversaries, etc. at the 10:20 time. We will begin the service promptly at 10:30 since it has been advertised as such. There will be an abbreviated Monthly Business Meeting following the Worship Service on Sunday and you are all welcome to come.

As the School of Prayer starts, please remember to bring your Bible, paper, pencil/pen, and pick up a workbook at the registration table. If you have not registered, please do so and pick up a name tag so we all know one another. Please put your name and Hinkle Creek Friends on your name tag.

There will be many guests coming to our Church for this event, so let's all make them feel welcome to Hinkle Creek Friends. What a great opportunity to reach out to those who may be unchurched. If you see that someone has a need, please step up and ask if you can assist them.

We still do not have very many signed up for finger foods for Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday evenings. If you can bring something to help out Sharon, it would be greatly appreciated.

As I've been praying this morning, you have all been on my mind and praying that we as a Church Body will be fed and recieve just what we need through this ministry from James W. Tharp. What a great opportunity we have as a Church Body!

Remember that during the School of Prayer, we will NOT provide child care and these sessions will not be appropriate for children. Our Teens are certainly welcome and will hopefully learn much to enhance their continuing Study of the Scriptures. Children are welcome during the Sunday morning Services. The School of Prayer will actually start Sunday evening at 5:00 p.m.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Church Family - We need to step up to the Plate!

Good morning Friends,

The time is upon us for the School of Prayer. Things have gotten really busy lately and not much time to do some finalizing of plans as a Host Church for this event. J.W. Tharp had mentioned that we should have a time of fellowship following each evening of the School of Prayer where we can break bread together and discuss what we have learned. The list for "finger foods" that was placed in the foyer on Sunday had very few signed up to bring food each evening. I have had MANY calls from people coming from a distance to attend these sessions, so I'm confident we will have a large crowd each evening and we as the host Church need to step up and be sure we have enough food to cover each evening. I realize this is a stretch of our already busy lives to add this to our agenda, but if you could just sacrifice some time to make or provide something to help out Sharon, it would be greatly appreciated. We certainly would not want to be short on food to break bread together. In the New Testament Church, that was very much a part of their gatherings and this event is a reflection of what they did in those days.

I have been disappointed that so many of our people have stayed away from services lately and I am in hopes that we will all "step up to plate" again in this area for this coming event. If you miss this, you will miss out on a great opportunity for some great ministry that has Eternal Consequences. Please pass the word and remind people that all of this starts this Sunday morning and continues on until Wednesday evening, the 15th. J.W. Tharp will bring this Sunday's message to get us prepared for the School of Prayer. I pray that the Lord will tug on all of our hearts to realize the importance of this with our attendance. We have planned this for a long time, and I for one am really looking forward to getting fed spiritually speaking. Tonight is sort of a kick off of this by meeting together in the Sanctuary at 6:30 for a time of Fasting and Prayer. There will be nothing formal about it all - just a time of us gathering and praying together. The fasting is private between you and the Lord and you don't have to say anything to anyone or even feel accountable to me for that. If you decide to accept the call to fasting along with your praying, I guarantee that the Lord will reward you for being faithful and sincere as we submit to Him. That is His promise to us! I have been and continue to be in prayer for this and looking forward to seeing what the Lord has in store for us as a congregation. I pray that we will all be more committed in all areas of our attachment as the body of Christ. Sometimes we just get tired and become a bit lazy in our committment (I do too!!!), but I know the rewards for being faithful and putting Him first will be life changing for us all. Just pouring my heart out this morning and pleading with us all (including me) to "Step up to the Plate" for the Lord!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Lois Costomiris

While I was at the calling for Rex Baliff, I learned that Lois Costomiris passed away yesterday. I understand her calling is tomorrow afternoon and the funeral on Tuesday. The obituary will be posted on the Hartley Funeral Home website.

Our prayers to all of the family in this loss for them. Lois was a former member and longtime attender at Hinkle Creek Friends.